Facial prosthesis is a treatment option for patients who are not candidates for reconstructive surgery or who choose not to undergo further procedures. Patients experiencing loss of a facial feature due to cancer, trauma, or a birth defect can benefit a great deal from a facial prosthesis. The purpose of a facial prosthesis is to restore symmetry, to protect exposed tissues, to reinstate passive function of the lost anatomy, and to serve as a great psychological benefit in the rehabilitation of the patient.
Steps in Fabricating a Facial Prosthesis
The process of designing and fabricating a facial prosthesis requires multiple office visits, which may be lengthy, as well as numerous hours of laboratory work. The following steps will be necessary:
Step 1: The creation of a custom facial prosthesis begins with an impression (mold) to duplicate the affected area (ear, nose or eye area). The impression is made by injecting a molding agent into the affected area. Once set, the mold is removed.
Step 2: A dental stone or plaster model is made from the impression and is used as the basis for fitting and making the prosthesis.
Step 3: The prosthesis is first sculpted in wax or a combination of wax and acrylic. The wax allows us to have various try-in sessions to make sure that the restoration is comfortable and well fitting.
Step 4: Once this is achieved, the wax model is cast into a plaster or epoxy mold and then prepared for the placement of pigmented silicone.
Step 5: With the patient present in the office, the future prosthesis is painted to match the fellow area. The process continues until an exact color match is achieved.
Step 6: The prosthesis is delivered to the patient.
Additional steps may be required for some types of prostheses.
The staff at the International Prosthetic Eye Center has a combined clinical experience of over 10 years.
With this experience, it is possible to use methods and materials available today to create extremely realistic prosthetic eyes allowing the ocularist to restore the loss to its natural appearance in match and mobility.
For the convenience of our patients, we offer a 7 night stay a hotel nearby to the center for the duration of their treatment ( at very minimal cost).
From the moment you contact the Center, to the three day appointments for the custom impression/ mold, custom coloring and veining, delivery and adjustments of your ocular artificial eye or scleral shell and the prosthetic eye care needed for your new facial prosthetic eye, our center strives to give you the highest attention, care and respect you deserve.
Please feel free to call the
center for an appointment or for a personal consultation concerning
artificial plastic eyes. We will be more than happy to speak to you personally
to answer any questions you have as it relates to artificial eyes and
You can see some of the patients, who have undergone for procedure Custom Artificial Eyes, Silicone Eye Prosthesis, Ear Prosthesis, Facial Prosthesis, Magnetic Eye Prosthesis, Digital Eye, Treatment for mcirophthalmos & anophthalmos, with the Best ocularist in India, for the best Artificial eye and Facial Prosthesis, by Deepa D Raizada & Kuldeep Raizada, who are the world's Best Artificial eye maker and Facial Prosthesis Fabricator, at international Prosthetic Eye Center, India