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Care For Eye Prosthesis
The morning routine for hygiene care begins with a thorough hand scrub including the fingertips. A warm wet face cloth with a 'no more tears' baby shampoo is then applied to the eyelids since they are normally crusted with secretion. (This shampoo has a neutral pH and will not sting to the socket tissue or the fellow eye, plus it destroys bacteria.) The warm wet face cloth will soften the secretion allowing you to remove it by wiping inward toward the nose. (Do not wipe outward, because this could rotate the prosthesis out of position, or cause it to fall out of the cavity.)
Following removal, the prosthesis should be cleaned before insertion. Never clean the prosthesis with a cloth, abrasive soap, or toothpaste. The prosthesis is best cleaned with a mild soap or baby shampoo, with wet hands; gently wash the prosthesis between soappy fingers. All soap must be rinsed from the prosthesis and hands before reinsertion of the prosthesis. As the prosthesis is made of an acrylic plastic, it should never be soaked in alcohol, gasoline or bleach. Do not attempt to sterilize the prosthesis in an autoclave. In the office prosthesis can be disinfected in a cold sterilization media such as Cidex (manufactured by Surgikos Johnson & Johnson Co.)
Excessive mucous secretions can occur when wearing an ocular prosthesis. Conditions such as head colds, winds dust, allergies and dirty hands can cause considerable secretion. Regular rinsing of the prosthesis with an ophthalmic irrigation solution can cause usually dislodged any surface deposits.
Most eye physicians are of the opinion that artificial eyes can be worn continually and need only be removed for cleaning purposes. However, the eye physician should be consulted in each particular case.
For cleansing the artificial eye we recommend water and a mild soap, or any prescription that may be recommended by an individual doctor for the purpose of cleaning the eye. In the case of plastic eyes, the use of alcohol or other chemicals should not be employed in washing or cleaning the eye.
Infants and children require special attention and should have their artificial eyes checked at regular intervals. Usually a larger eye should be fitted each year to induce stretching of the lids and development of the socket. If this is not done, further growth may be restricted and future results impaired.
There are so many details to be considered in fitting an artificial eye that too much attention should not be placed on one particular facet. Rather the artificial eye should be judged for its overall effect.
Many wearers insist on the artificial eye being as large as the natural eye. This is not wise since quite often a large eye produces a "stare", giving a very unpleasant effect. A discriminating eye wearer should guard against this possibility. It is better to have an eye a little smaller rather than larger so that the lids may properly cover the eye. Then, instead of attracting attention, the artificial eye will be unnoticed, and the maximum amount of movement will be secured.
It is preferable to be fitted with an artificial eye that produces a pleasing effect rather than one which is an "exact match." By varying the size of the iris or pupil the technician can often obtain a more desirable result. While an exact duplication of the iris color is important, size, shape, position, size of the iris, color of sclera (white portion of the eye) and the veining all combine to produce an effect that is truly life-like.
Correct pupil size for the individual patient is sometimes difficult to determine. The pupil dilates and contracts according to lighting conditions, and for most patients a medium size is the most desirable. However, some artificial eye wearers have very active pupils with considerable dilation or they have extremely light-colored irises, which drawn attention to the contrast between the pupil size of the artificial eye and the natural eye. For these patients we recommend a "night" eye, which is an extra eye with a larger pupil to be used for night wear.
There is no definite answer as to how long the prosthesis will last. Unlike the old style glass prosthesis, modern plastic prosthesis are durable and will not break. They can be polished when they become pitted or scratched. Plastic Prosthesis can be increased or reduced in size as required by changes in the design of the anophthalmic socket.
Changes in the socket occur from fat atrophy in the deep orbit and growth development in children. It is recommend the adult patient to be seen yearly and children every six months for a check of the condition and fit of the ocular prosthesis.
The patient is encouraged to keep all follow-up appointment prescribed by the ophthalmologist. In addition, condition such as chronic discolored secretion, pain, or socket bleeding must be immediately brought to the attention to ophthalmologist.

It is important to remember that an artificial eye, which appears satisfactory to the wearer, may be an indifferent fit when viewed by the observer. After all, the observer is the one whom you desire to impress and who sees you as you really are. Your expressions when looking in the mirror are entirely different from your expressions when talking. The first are blank but the second are filled with animation, reflections of your ever-changing thoughts as reproduced by your facial muscles. We have occasionally been complimented for putting a "smile" in the artificial eye. The fact is that the wearer by his or her own facial expression puts in "the smile". We simply make it possible for the wearer to do so.
Wearers of artificial eyes should practice facial expressions to make the wearing of an eye as unnoticeable as possible. It is the work of the expert adapting the eye to produce the best cosmetic result possible but it is the outlook and the cooperation of the patient, which will determine if a really pleasing appearance is secured. The expert will strive to produce an effect, making the natural eye predominant, and thus detracting attention from the artificial one. Although we urge you to study your facial expressions to secure the most pleasing results, we do not encourage self-consciousness. The tendency to self-consciousness should be overcome as soon as possible before it can become a part of your personality. You will find that if you will forget that you are wearing an artificial eye, others will pay no attention to it. New patients, those who have undergone recent surgery, often feel they will never become accustomed to wearing an artificial eye. Some even believe that their lives are ruined. But, if these individuals could know the many fine and successful prosthetic eye wearers we have met through the years, they would not feel so depressed. Among our patients we number artists, entertainers, public office holders, working people, mothers and children, who are performing their daily tasks as capable as persons having two natural eyes. The secret of success for you is the same as for all individuals. Concentrate on your assets and good features. Forget your liabilities so that others may do so too. Several of the following hints may be useful to you in detracting attention from your artificial eye. First of all, do not open your eyes too widely. Learn to contract your lids - learn to smile. When you want to look in any direction, do not put the entire burden on your eye muscles. Turn your head or your body in the direction where you wish to look. In most cases, an artificial eye will move in unison with the natural eye, if the muscles are intact and if the eye is expertly fitted. However, if you have only limited motility, this fact will not be noticed by the observer if you are careful about facial expressions and will turn your head when looking to the side. Some persons find that attractive spectacles or eye glasses of the non-shatterable type give a softened effect and make an artificial eye unnoticeable. We do not wish to suggest that all artificial eye wearers be burdened with glasses, if they do not want or need them. However, glasses often help to disguise an artificial eye, and non-shatterable lenses have the additional advantage of protecting the natural eye. Occasionally, a prosthetic eye wearer will have an upper lid which is "short" or a lower lid that "sags". Improvement and correction in many cases depend on proper fittings as well as persistent massage or stretching of the lids.
Caution In Wiping Eyes
In wiping your artificial eye, always wipe toward the nose. This will prevent your eye from turning in the socket and assuming an incorrect position. Also, since your artificial eye rests on your lower lid and is supported by this lid, you should use caution when rubbing your lower lid, so that you will dislodge the eye. Never rub the prosthetic eye vigorously.
The Nature and Care of the Plastic Artificial Eye
The artificial eye, being of an alien nature to the human tissue, causes a discharge in the socket. This in turn necessitates the removal and cleaning of the eye for reasons of comfort, hygiene and cosmetic appearance. A certain amount of this discharge can be alleviated by the use of a lubricant on the prosthetic eye. This lubricant is called "Silicone Lubricant for Plastic Artificial Eyes" and is available at our offices. The amount of discharge varies in most cases due to a number
The amount of discharge will determine the frequency of removal and cleaning of the prosthetic eye. The easiest and most proven method for removal of the prosthetic eye is the use of a RUBBER SUCTION CUP available at our offices. The suction cup must first be moistened for use. This is then squeezed and placed against the iris of the artificial eye. The suction cup now in place, depress the lower lid with the forefinger, then twist the eye COUNTER-CLOCKWISE and lift UP and OUT. The eye socket is now rinsed with an aseptic solution which your Ophthalmologist will advise. An eye cup, atomizer or syringe can be used to disperse the aseptic solution in the eye socket. The artificial eye is cleaned with a mild soap and warm water. The artificial eye is then rinsed carefully, dried and lubricated with the above-mentioned SILICONE solution. The artificial eye is now ready for re-insertion. The SUCTION CUP is again moistened, squeezed and placed against the artificial eye.
The prosthetic eye is inserted under the upper lid, top first. The "top" of the artificial eye will be shown to you by your attending technician at the time of delivery.
(1) Use the forefinger to retract the upper lid, then place the eye under the upper lid and push in as far as possible. (2) Allow the upper lid to fall into place while still holding the eye in position.

Children Who Wear Glasses and Play Soccer or Other Sports Have Many New and Fashionable Options for Safety Prescription Eyewear. More than 40,000 people a year suffer eye injuries while playing sports.For all age groups, sports-related eye injuries occur most frequently in baseball, basketball and racquet sports. Almost all sports-related eye injuries can be prevented. Whatever your game, whatever your age, you need to protect your eyes!
- Wear proper safety goggles (lensed polycarbonate protectors) for racquet sports or basketball
- Use batting helmets with polycarbonate face shields for youth baseball
- Use helmets and face shields approved by the U.S. Amateur Hockey association when playing hockey.
- Know that regular glasses don't provide enough protection.
- Faceguard (attached to helmet) made of polycarbonate material
- Sports eye guards
- Injuries prevented:
- Scratches on the cornea
- Inflamed iris
- Blood spilling into the eye's anterior chamber
- Traumatic cataract
- Swollen retina
- Injuries prevented:
- Inflamed iris
- Blood spilling into the eye's anterior chamber
- Swollen retina
- Sports eyeguards
- Injuries prevented:
- Fracture of the eye socket
- Inflamed iris
- Blood spilling into the eye's anterior chamber
- Swollen retina
- Wire or polycarbonate mask
- Sports eyeguards
- Injuries prevented:
- Inflamed iris
- Blood spilling into the eye's anterior chamber
- Swollen retina
For more information on eye safety, email us at