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Patient Results 

Ocular and facial defects are rehabilitated at the International Prosthetic Eye Center using ocular and facial prostheses respectively. Most common causes of these defects include post-cancer treatment, after injury, Infections in eye and children born with a defect (Microphtalmia/anophthalmia). Each prosthesis is custom-designed to camouflage the defect and match perfectly to the contralateral side, which gives a natural life-like cosmetic appearance. It needs a great talent and experience to do a good job in this skilled work. Such experienced clinical staff, Dr Kuldeep Raizada and Deepa Raizada (Ocularist & Anaplastologist) of International Prosthetic Eye Center, travelled to various parts Internationally to pursue education and experience in this field, and implemented new techniques and technology in their work. These completely changed the standards of work. Successful results are achieved even in challenging cases, which was not possible before.